Friday, January 3, 2014


Happy New Year!

I am going to start the new year pushing some personal limits by posting some pictures of myself (with other family members).   My feeling about posted pictures of myself is similar to the feeling of intense reluctance (terror) that some people have of public speaking.  I wrote about it in one of my earlier posts, and it is something with which I am trying to become comfortable. 

There are many bloggers who prefer to never post pictures of themselves or their family members. I read and enjoy their writing.  There are other bloggers who often post pictures of themselves and their families.  When something that they wrote comes to my mind, I can visualize them.   Seeing their faces, and the faces of their families, makes me feel a kinship with them.

These pics are from Christmas Eve at my daughter's home.  Our tradition has always been Christmas Eve with my husband's side of the family and Christmas morning with my side of the family.  My son was not able to come home for Christmas this year.  He is in the Air Force.  Thankfully, he is stationed in the United States at this time.  I miss him so much.  The last time he came home for Christmas,  he drove half way across the country through blizzard conditions.  I was worried the whole time he was on the road. 

You have seen my little grandson on my blog before.  That is my son in law in the Santa hat, and my daughter next to him.  My husband's sisters are behind my daughter.  That is me in the black and gold print shirt.  My father in law is in the plaid shirt.  My husband is behind me.  Our nephew is next to my husband, and brother in law is in the Missouri sweater.

No, he wasn't sleeping.  He had just told me, "Grandma, I love your blouse!"  He was rubbing his face on the smooth satin fabric. 

Definitely not sleeping.  I love seeing his little hands on mine in this picture!

My husband and daughter.

My daughter and me  
Well, for someone who doesn't like pictures of  one's self, I sure managed to post plenty of  them.

It was a wonderful Christmas!  I love Christmas and celebrating with family; but always, for me, as it is happening, it feels like it is just on the verge of being too much, of everything. I stay in emotional overdrive.  And is over and we are moving into a brand new year.....

January 1, 2014.  Mary wears a mantle of freshly fallen snow.  My husband took this photo while he was out sweeping snow.  It is a night time picture taken while it was snowing hard.  "Unusual" water spot down in the right hand corner of this picture, isn't it?

Virgin of Guadalupe With A Mantle Of Freshly Fallen Snow
  And so the New Year begins; sparkling, fresh, and filled with possibilities and pushing limits.


  1. Your pictures look great! as you know I rarely put one of myself...but I did in one of my Christmas posts and someone said they were really glad to see me. So I am glad to see you! Now if I run into you in town I will know you! Happy New Year. Scott Connell just finally said "over 6 inches of snow Sat into Sun" oh no! stay warm

  2. Loved seeing your picture. Now I'll be able to picture you when I read your posts.

  3. Great pictures ;o) Excellent seeing you :o) So happy you had a great holiday ;o) Happy New Year ;o)

  4. Its so good to see you and your family. At first I had such a very hard time posting pictures of myself on my blog...mostly because of feeling shame from my oversized body,but in time I learned to be more comfortable with sharing pictures of myself,and realized...that it is what it is :) Its been a battle for me all my life....carrying added weight..I mean! But you know,we are so much more than just a body....we are souls and spirits as least I am proud I have that part right,and maybe someday my flesh with line up too. Until then,I am just simply God's grace. I think you are beautiful, my friend...inside and out,and I hope to see more pretty pictures of you here on your blog this year....blessings

  5. Beautiful post Susie, beautiful family - such love and it's obvious.
    May 2014 hold everything wonderful and good for you.

  6. Lovely pictures full of love and warmth!! A blessed 2014 to you and your family!

  7. My oldest son could not come home for Christmas this year, either. ( Flu ) I know how you feel...disappointing to say the least , huh. :( Well it looks as if you all enjoyed yourselves, especially that little cutie! :)

  8. what a beautiful family and I agree, its so nice to put a face to the blogs story! Best wishes to you!

  9. what a beautiful family
    I also post pictures of me and my family
    thank you so much
    for visiting me
    we have a lot in common
    visit again :)
    and have a wonderful day....

  10. ...Hello Susie..... I loved seeing photos of you and your family and sharing your Christmas.... you all look so happy..... wishing you all a wonderful 2014......
    Hugs and Blessings......Barb xx

  11. What a lovely family. Wishing you the very best in this New Year!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  12. I loved seeing your photo's and I really, really like seeing the pictures of my blogger friends as well as their families.

  13. Happy New Year IS nice to have a picture in mind when we are getting to know each's hard tho, I am camera shy too...I never really think I look look myself in pictures, but in video, I think I do. But video dregs up all the shyness again.
    Anyway, enough about me...You are beautiful and blessed! And I have that same statue I think, although I had to re-paint mine, she got kicked around in 2 storms and then sun faded...but, she is lovely again! ♥ ♥ ♥
    PS: Thanks for the comment on my blog :)

  14. Dear Susie ~ I think you did good pushing limits, we all do that at times, and it can be good for us.

    I'm glad you posted photos of your loving family. It is so wonderful to 'see' you because now I can picture you when I read a post or comment of yours. Your lovely smile and joy shining out of you.

    I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Thank you for your comment on my latest post, your words really touched my heart.

    Have a lovely Sunday ~ FlowerLady

  15. Thank you for visiting me. Lovely to see your family. Happy new year to you all.

  16. You have a lovely family, and those are great pics of your time together! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog :)

  17. It looks like you had a wonderful family holiday!

  18. So glad to see these great photos of you, dear one. It looks like ya'll had an awesome time. Family is what makes Christmas extra special.

  19. Your comment about the rat on my blog is so interesting I'm wondering whether I might copy and paste it into the main text - with attribution and link of course.

  20. You have a beautiful family, Susie!

    And thank you for leaving such kind words on my blog today.

  21. Personally I rather enjoy a blog more where people post photos of themselves and or their family. And you have a beautiful family!

  22. Hi Susie! It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. The photo of your grandson feeling your blouse with his cheek is adorable. I remember always feeling my grandmother's hands. They were so soft. Great memories. Thank you for following Still Woods Farmhouse. I am following you and am looking forward to getting to know you!

  23. I have a new blog address....please come visit so I know it's working.

  24. You have beautiful family and I love the name of your blog :-)

  25. Please use old address.....

  26. Susie, I don't like pics of myself either, but I is what I is. lol! I do like knowing what the person looks like. It helps you get a closer bond. You have a lovely family and I love the photo of your grandson snuggling to your silky blouse.

  27. Hi Susie! I wanted to pay you a visit and follow your blog. Girl, I feel the same way about posting my mug on anything! But a couple of months ago, I decided it was time. Even my family only has a handful of photos of me. I took some of myself and posted the best one on face book and on my profile of my blog. It wasn't easy for me, but I did it and survived. LOL! You are a pretty lady and I look forward to getting to know you through your blog. Your family is beautiful. I have one daughter and one granddaughter, and they are the world to my husband & me. Have a great day!

  28. Thank you for visiting my blog. Your grandson is adorable. I can see why you want to post lots of photos of him.
