Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Compared to my blog header picture that was taken a few years ago, Fuzzy is getting pretty gray around the muzzle. The fur on  his body is black except for the little crest on his chest and a little white on his feet and now the gray/white on his muzzle. It looks like his fur is white on one side, but it is just shiny black and I forgot and left the flash on when I took the picture. He usually looks pretty wide eyed and happy, but maybe not this much. The flash surprised him.
Last week when Fuzzy went for his doggie vaccinations we found that he had some dental problems. His teeth need to be cleaned and most likely he will lose some of them. He is 11 years old and the vet said his teeth looked fine the last time he was in 2 years ago. Unfortunately, they aren't now.  

I am more worried about him getting dental work done than I was when I had to have my wisdom teeth out. Apparently, I have sympathetic dental phobia for my little Fuzzy.  It is worse than the dental phobia for my own dental work. He will be under anesthesia  and be intubated.  The intubation protects dogs from any debris getting in their airway while they are under anesthesia. 

He will go to the vet early in the morning and they will call us at about 2 pm.
Pensive Pomeranian pose (and he doesn't even know about the planned Doggie Dentistry).  Poor picture quality because Pic Monkey suddenly needed sign in and agreement to terms for me to use it no charge. Since at this time, I'm not in the mood to study their Agreement to Terms; here are poorly lighted, oddly angled photos done without editing tools. My husband's birthday present to me was going to be photo editing software.  I just hadn't decided what brand yet.  Perfect timing for that gift.
Doggie dental work is something we never had done on our other dogs. They never needed it as far as we knew. Fuzzy is the fourth dog we have had in our married life of 42 1/2 years. Our dogs have always lived to be 12 to 14 1/2 years old.  I don't know if I will be able to teach Fuzzy to let me brush his teeth at his age, but I will try after he heals completely from this procedure.

On a more pleasant subject, I hope that everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day/Evening.

                                       Here's a rose for you!  
David Austin - Christopher Marlowe Rose from my yard 2016.
                                         Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. It will be fine. My girls get theirs cleaned and one pulled once a year. I brush their teeth with dog toothpaste every day. Emmy figured out how to bite down on the toothbrush but Sister is good about it. Glad to see a post from you. We do love our dogs. Mine are 11 and I love them like my kids.

  2. I wish the best for Fuzzy in his dental procedure. We are facing this too with our 12 year old dachshunds. As February is 20% off for teeth cleaning at our vet's we've about decided to go ahead with it. We adopted them from a dachshund rescue 3 years ago and both have heart murmurs and our vet has said there is a risk. It's been so hard to make a decision: do it and risk losing them or not do it and that would likely shorten their lifespan.

    And yes, just like you, I'm more nervous about this than if I was going in for surgery. I want them to live the longest dachshund life possible.

    I hope all goes well with your beautiful Fuzzy!


  3. I hope Fuzzy does well with his dental appointment. I am glad to see you posting once again. I hope you had a very nice Valentine's Day. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  4. We have a Great Pyrenees rescue dog who needs dental cleaning and I'm dreading it. Our vet's assistant is a neighbor we've known since she was a little girl. She occasionally pet sits for us and she mentioned that he needs his teeth cleaned. We've never done that for other dogs either.

    I hope your pup did well!

  5. We have a Great Pyrenees rescue dog who needs dental cleaning and I'm dreading it. Our vet's assistant is a neighbor we've known since she was a little girl. She occasionally pet sits for us and she mentioned that he needs his teeth cleaned. We've never done that for other dogs either.

    I hope your pup did well!

  6. Awww, poor Fuzzy! I hope everything went well! The animals in your life have lived long lives! You have been blessed! I hope your Valentine's Day was great! Big Hugs!

  7. I used free photo editing. Apparently, I signed away all rights to my own pictures. So. when the paid part was over and I needed to renew, I did not. They removed all the pictures from my blog that I used their software to edit. Never again. Run now...lol. What editing software did you get?

  8. So glad it all worked out so well!!!!

    💕 💕 💕 💕

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