Sunday, September 23, 2012


This is my little pomeranian and blog mascot. Fuzzy.

 He's bright eyed and bushy tailed in this picture  on a normal day, but last night
Fuzzy had a terrible night.  Early in the evening he was sleeping by himself in a dark room. That is unusual, he usually stays within three feet of me at all times.  His stomach was growling and gurgling and making all kinds of noise.  And then the diarrhea started, for three hours he kept having bouts of it.  A pomeranian with diarrhea can be a real mess.  He hates it too, he gets worried that he might have gotten something on him.  He actually wags his tail when I get the wet wipes out.  He was still too sick to even think about a bath.  Finally, he seemed better and I went to bed.  When I woke, I discovered he had been sick again during the night.  I am 99% sure that it was his dog food that caused this.  Since he started eating this new bag of food, his stomach has been kind of bothering him.  For the past 3 days I had outlawed any human food snacks for him.  The dog food is all he has been eating.  He has been eating this brand of food for about three months now.  The dog food we used to get for him had been recalled for salmonella.  The one he ate before that agreed with him but he picked all of the vitamin kibbles out and put them all over the floor.  Another one gave him stomach problems. The first food we gave him when we got him was not an expensive one, but the brand has been around for over a hundred years and the dogs I grew up with thrived on it, (but that's been over 40 years ago), it made Fuzzy itch and scratch continually.

My question is (for anyone reading this): WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO THE DOG FOOD?
I read somewhere that you shouldn't capitalize because it's like shouting, well I did, and I am.
This isn't a minor thing.  I discovered that hundreds (reported) of dogs have become sick or even died.  It is suspected that their dog food caused it.  How many cases were not reported?  I discovered this as I was researching recipes for home made dog food.  Today I gave Fuzzy a little white rice with a little chicken meat in it.  He ate like he was starving and hasn't had any problems yet.  Tomorrow I will call the vet and ask for some homemade dog food guidelines. And in the meantime I'll keep researching online.  I worry that I won't give him enough vitamins and minerals. But I am sure I won't be poisoning him with some kind of imported chemicals either. Hopefully, that is. I plan on buying his chicken, beef, or salmon at the same stores where we get ours.

So at least for tomorrow, rice with a little bit of chicken is going to be on Fuzzy's menu.


  1. O, dear...poor little doggie. I don't know anything at all about dog foods. Maybe you can talk with a vet and he/she might be able to help your furry baby. Good luck.
    xo bj

  2. I hope he's perked up since you wrote this. One of our dogs loves those chicken jerky treats for dogs and then we found out that the ones made in China (99.9% of them are made in China) are linked to some serious stomach issues. So then I ran all over town trying to find that .1% ones that were American made. Sometimes I think the plain old dog food is the best.

  3. Oh, poor Fuzzy! Diarrhea and vomiting is such serious business, especially in a small breed! I recently was having similar issues with one of my pets. I have since put him on, scrambled fresh eggs, from our coop, and brown rice and carrots, with goat milk! it is going much better for him and he is keeping it down. Also, I am adding a little bit of pro-biotic (acidophilus). I keep trying foods, too and just think I will keep making his food at least for now. I will go boils some chicken, too. There are some good vitamins on the market for dogs, so that is helpful as a daily treat, since most of them are beef flavored. Good luck with Fuzzy!
