Sunday, September 30, 2012


Here are the Santas that I have finished so far this season.  I have made and sold Santas for many years here in my area at a local retail gift store.  After I found out about Etsy, I opened an Etsy shop and began selling my Santas at Persimmon Moon Cottage Art Etsy.  They really require  lot of extra care when packing for shipment because of the birds and bunnies and moons. My Santas are made from papier mache, driftwood, and acrylic paint.  I also make the little birds, bunnies, moons, etc.

These are the pieces of driftwood for my next batch of Santas.  They are cleaned with a metal brush, then they are rinsed in bleach water and left to dry for a long time. They dried quickly this summer.  In this picture they are drying on nonstick foil after being heavily sealed with an acrylic sealer.  They start getting fun to make after this point, when I start using the papier mache and paint.  I can already see some personality in them while they are in this driftwood state. Can anyone else see their future Santa features?  It is funny, but I never know how they are going to turn out until I give them their eyes and beards.  That is when I decide on whether they will be a Woodsy Santa with bunnies, or a Belsnickel with a more serious attitude, a Prim Santa, or a Fat Woodsy Santa (none in this batch of driftwood).  These pieces of driftwood look like they might be Belsnickel-ish.

Well, that's what I've been doing this weekend. 

By the way, Fuzzy, my Blog Mascot, has been doing just fine. However, I am feeding him boiled chicken with rice and carrots and a dab of cottage cheese and a smaller dab of pumpkin for now.  He is so full of energy now.  It is quite a difference.

Happy October!


  1. AHHHH, your Santas are just precious. You are very talented...:)

  2. OMG! They're beautiful! You are one talented lady!!

  3. First, thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. Yes, that is my husband's yellow 'Old Rose.' He is the gardener around here. :-)

    He carves Santas. And bet he would be interested to see, how you assemble yours. Precious!

    Gentle hugs,

  4. Susie, they are charming Santas. I was just on Etsy being hyptnotized by it. Thanks so much for visiting me. I had to clean my kitchen for those images btw. Olive

  5. Your Santas are fantastic. You are so talented!

  6. I love your Santas! How unique! What fun to see how their personalities develop! I wanted to follow your blog but don't see any follow button?
